
All-natural sludge-buster probiotic, designed for all fish and shrimp types

Sludge has historically been an unfortunate reality of commercial fish farming. Blending lessons from the fields of crop science and animal health, PowerSludge™ has been specially designed to clean-up this sludge.

Sludge causes many problems, both for the fish and shrimp and for the farming operation itself. High ammonia levels, harmful bacteria, disease, and exhausting sludge-drying efforts are all common consequences of sludge.

By proactively breaking down the sludge, our microbes proactively manage healthy ammonia levels, eliminates habitats and food sources for pathogens and disease, and reduces clean-up costs (potentially allowing for even more production time in your ponds).

Key Benefits

  • Eliminates Sludge

  • Lowers Ammonia Levels.

  • Reduces Clean-up Time & Effort after Harvest

Dosing Specifications

Stabilization Phase
1.2 kg/acre
Weekly, for the first 5 weeks

Shock Phase
1.6 kg/acre
Before adding fish/shrimp to water

Maintenance Phase
800 g/acre
Weekly, until complete water change

Repeat protocol completely with each complete water change.


Additional Resources